4 Ways to Get Your Mommy Self Ready for Spring

Is anyone else none too thrilled about getting your body ready for spring?  I don’t know if it’s because I’m in my forties, or because I don’t exercise (and actually hate doing it) or if it’s because I have absolutely no will power whatsoever and make no excuses for the amount of brownies I consume…maybe it’s a combination of everything perhaps?

Either way, I do like to do some things to get myself ready for spring and it doesn’t involve a huge exercise program or diet change, but it does involve just a few things that makes me feel more confident about myself.  And let’s be real…in the messy, chaotic, daily grind of motherhood, taking time to take care of ourselves can get put aside…waaaaay aside.

So promise me that you’ll take some time to focus on you in the next few weeks.  Do something for yourself that makes you feel good.

Here are 4 super simple things you can do…

  1.  PAINT YOUR TOENAILS:  Whether you go and get a pedicure or just do it yourself, get your feet ready for flip flop weather!  Pick out a pretty spring color and even give your feet a little massage.
  2. SHAVE YOUR LEGS:  Confession–the last time I shaved my legs was for the the 14 Ways to Love Your Husband Like A Boyfriend Challenge back in February.  And before that…well who knows.  It’s time.  It’s time.  I’ve even had dreams about the hair on my legs being longer than the hair on my head.  Oh my.  If I’m thinking about how long my leg hair is in my sleep, it’s time to do something about it.  I just hope I don’t clog the drain.
  3. GET A NEW DO:   I’ve been blessed to be able to do my own hair (mostly because I’m cheap, but also because it’s convenient).  My salon is always open and can make changes any time to please the perfectionist customer that I am.  So whether you do it yourself or make an appointment at your hair salon, get a new cut or add some highlights or maybe both.  It just makes you feel good!
  4. START WALKING:  I mentioned before how much I hate exercising, but I do enjoy walking and need to do it more often especially now that the weather is getting nicer.  Make some time in your day to walk.  Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air and possible quiet time if you can manage to do it without kids.

No matter what you do, I pray you take some time for you!

Happy Spring!


4 thoughts on “4 Ways to Get Your Mommy Self Ready for Spring

  1. Now, THIS is a list even I can manage. Haircut set for next week. And I promise to start painting my toenails just as soon as the weather here in Michigan warms up enough to warrant open-toed shoes. 😉

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    1. Right? Sometimes we feel that taking care of ourselves can be so complex that it’s not even worth doing, but I believe that when we take time for ourselves, we are better moms for it. I did all four of these last weekend and feel so much better about myself. 🙂 Even though it’s still freezing here in Illinois too so I haven’t been able to wear shoes that show off my new toe nail color, but I’m also not disgusted when I look down in the shower anymore! lol!


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